Lord, give us faith as the Wise Men
Who, led by a bright, shining star
Followed its light to the Christ Child
They journeyed in faith from afar
They knew this Child was the Savior
So onward they trod, traveling long
Turning back never though weary
They found new strenght, faith and song
Give us to this kind of faith, Lord
A passion for seeking our King
That we may know Him more fully...
Our hearts be the gift that we bring
Keep us on course like the Wise Men
Lest worldly temptations distract
O ,,Star of Wonder" keep shining
Lead us for we've need to go back...
To seek again at this Christmas
The Redeemer sent from above
With adoration we'll worship
God's Gift of unspeakable love
Lord, give us faith as the Wise Men
So in us a glow others see
A trusting faith in the Savior...
Our lives a reflection of Thee.