Advent in Poland
The richest in traditional observances is the Christmas season. It begins with Advent and ends with the feast of the Three Kings. The Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas. This is a time for the spiritual preparation for the birth of Christ. For that reason, the early morning Mass, the Roraty, is celebrated. The name roraty comes from the first words that begin the service, Rorate coeli, meaning "heaven, dew drop" in Latin. In no other country is this Mass celebrated as solemnly as in Poland.
The Mass begins in the church in almost complete darkness just before sunrise (usually 6:00 -7:00 am) to show readiness, vigilance and alertness for Christ's coming. People who participate in the service also bring torches with them, which are lit during a certain part of the Mass. This celebration has a special atmosphere since it starts in almost complete darkness; gradually, the candles are lit on the altar and by the participants, giving more light. Finally, when the service is approaching the end, sunrise increases the amount of light even more. So, this ceremony revolves around the earth's natural clock.
Today in Poland, many people still attend the Roraty Mass, especially in villages. There, the attachment to tradition is much greater than in towns and cities. According to Church law, Advent is a period of fasting and mourning.
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