Barborka, Miner's Day
St. Barbara Day
December 4 th
One of the most celebrated day associated with workers group is St. Barbara's Day on December 4 th.
Barbara is a patron of coal miners.
Miners professions was always considered dangerous but prestigious therefore this day called Barb or Barburka was celebrated for centuries in a spectacular way. The name of the feast originate of course from St. Barbara as a patron.
Miners are dressed in the special uniforms during Barborka. The uniform consists of black suit and hat with a feather. The color of the feather ( white, red or black) depends on the rank of the miner. Miners wear their decorative uniforms not only during Barborka but also for weddings, fineral and other important politocal or social ceremonies.
Barborka is celebrated not only in Poland but also in other countries of the region with strong moning tradition like in Germany and Czech Republic. In Germany the celebration is called Barbarafeier.
To prevent accidents miners used to build chapels devoted to their patron.
St. Barbara is also a very celebrated namely in Poland because is a popular feminine name.
Happy Barbara's day to my sister Barbara.
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