Thursday, December 21, 2006

His star still shines

His star still shines

The little town was crowded when

Mary and Joseph sought the inn

,,No room" the busy innkeeper said

But offered them the cattle shed

Above the stable close to the inn

A star blazed forth proclaiming Him

The little Savior born for all

Lay in a lowly manger stall

The shepherds and the Wise Men came

Led by the star's radiant flame

And humbly knelt and worshipped there

The Holy Christ, Child wondrous fair

The innkeeper so tired that night

Saw naught the star of wondrous light

Had he but known who's sought his door

He would have given his bed and more

We must keep the vigil bright

Lest we'd not see His star tonight

It shineth still with guiding ray

If only we but seek the way

O, weary one - heart gone afar

Look up !

Behold !

His Christmas star.


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