Saturday, October 14, 2006

The power of prayer

The power of prayer

I cannot face the day alone

not knowing what is there

so I must seek the Fathers Will

as I kneel down in prayer

I need His guidance every day

upon this path of life

to give me peace, so deep within

while facing fears and strife

He sees me through the valley days

but when my heart soars high

He shares my joy laughter too

yet sees each tear I cry

so early in the morning, when

the day is fresh and new

I bow before the Father's throne

and pray for strength anew

then when the nighttime shadows fall

upon my pillow there

I cannot fall asleep before

I go to God in prayer

Dear Lord, I thank You for Your love

for You are always there

and for the line that's open, Lord

when I kneel down in prayer


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